Quiet in the Studio!


Wow, I never thought I’d see the day where I actually made my own radio show. It was definitely a lot more fun than I had expected. My partner, Rachael, and I originally lost a team member in the very beginning, but we made things work. We started off by meeting together and coming up with a basic script to base our radio show off of. Our main theme was music, so we spoke about DJs, local clubs, music genre’s, and even had band members on the show. The most difficult thing about this process was definitely the technology aspect of it. The program we used to record or show was Audacity, which neither of us have used or heard of before. It was pretty rough to start out with; I didn’t know how to add in music or record over things. After a couple of trial and error procedures we finally got the hang of it, and the tools on the program turned out to be pretty useful. The most stressful part of this project though was uploading the file to SoundCloud. I don’t know if it was just my laptop, or if others had this problem as well, but I couldn’t upload my Audacity file to SoundCloud. Instead, I had to export the initial file and turn it into an iTunes file, which SoundCloud finally accepted. However, because our radio show is almost 20 minutes long, it took forever for it to upload to SoundCloud, which was highly frustrating since we had deadlines to meet. Despite those cons we came across, I actually had fun while making this radio show. It’s a project I’ve never done before and I really enjoyed the experience of working with Rachael, who’s really good at British accents by the way, and can’t wait to hear everyone else’s radio show!

Check out the link below to hear our show:
